Join the Mission and Join a Committee!
Volunteering on a League of Women Voters of Bloomington committee is a rewarding way to make a meaningful impact in our community. Whether your interest lies in voter education, advocacy, or community engagement, we have a place for you. By joining a committee, you'll work alongside passionate, like-minded individuals, gain valuable experience, and contribute to projects that promote democracy and civic participation. Your efforts will help us achieve our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy. Join us today and be a part of creating positive change in Bloomington!
The LWVB Action/Advocacy Committee works with LWV on its action efforts, including the LWVMN Lobby Corps and LWVMN Observor Corps. It also engages in local and state activities consistent with LWV and LWVMN positions and procedure. This Committee seeks suggestions and assistance of LWVB volunteers on projects it plans.
The LWVB Communications Committee manages social media strategy and operations on behalf of LWVB, including Facebook, the LWVB website, and other formats as it sees fit, and LWVB press releases.
The LWVB Membership and Welcome Committee has two separate functions. The first is to keep accurate electronic record of our members, their contact information, and date of initial membership. The second is to meet with new members to welcome them, connect them with another member or members, and dialog with them about ways they can pursue their interests with LWVB. The Committee seeks assistance of LWVB volunteers in welcoming and encouraging potential and new members.
The Program Committee plans educational programs for the year, which may include a traditional program with speakers, a panel discussion, etc., or may include other formats involving direct community engagement. The Committee seeks suggestions and assistance of LWVB volunteers in its program efforts.
The Student Member Committee engages student members, encourages their involvement, enables them to contribute, facilitates student members’ sharing of knowledge and skills with LWVB. The Committee seeks assistance of LWVB volunteers in mentoring and working with students.
The Voter Registration and Outreach Committee handles all voter registration and Voter Info Guide distribution efforts, and engages in outreach such as Cornerstone dinners. It also produces the Voter Info Guide. The Committee facilitates LWVB member participation in registering new citizens at naturalization ceremonies. A Committee representative participates in all LWVMN monthly Voter Service calls. The Committee seeks suggestions and assistance of LWVB volunteers in all voter registration and outreach efforts.
The Voter Service Committee handles LWVB’s annual candidate videos, candidate forums and the LWVB Salad Supper. A Committee representative participates in all LWVMN monthly Voter Service calls. The Committee seeks suggestions and assistance of LWVB volunteers in voter service events.
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