Become a Member of the League Today!

We invite everyone—men, women, nonbinary individuals, and students—from the City of Bloomington, MN, to join the League of Women Voters of Bloomington (LWVB). Join us at an upcoming meeting and see how you can make a difference in our community! Visitors are always welcome.

By becoming a member of LWVB, you also gain membership in the national League of Women Voters (LWV) and the state League of Women Voters of Minnesota (LWVMN) at no additional cost. Our mission is to grow the vote, empower the vote, and protect the vote, including championing voting rights at all levels, up to the Supreme Court. LWVMN serves as our trusted resource for education and advocacy at the state and federal levels, providing the essential support needed to operate our chapter effectively.

Join us in making democracy work for everyone. Become a member today!

Membership fees for 2024 are

Amount      Type of Membership 

$ 75.00     Individual (same as 2023)

$110.00     Household (same as 2023)

$ 13.50 Financial Hardship

$ 13.50      Student

​ Annual dues should be paid by January 31st to ensure that you continue receiving invitations, notices, action alerts, newsletters and other information from the national LWV and the state LWV (LWVMN). 

Click here for our introductory brochure about the Bloomington League of Women Voters.

Our Bloomington League receives only $16 ($11 if you pay by credit card) of your $75 registration fee; the rest goes to LWVMN and LWVUS. We welcome additional donations at any time or simply increase the amount you pay for your membership. Thank you!

Any questions, please email us at

Join or Renew Membership by Credit Card

The League does not share your information with any other party. View our Privacy Policy.

LWVB is a 501(c)(3) organization so your dues and donations are tax deductible.