On Saturday March 1, the League organized a meeting with State Representative Steve Elkins (DFL District: 50B) at West Side Perk. We had a wide-ranging discussion about the state of affairs at the MN State Capitol, legislative priorities of Rep. Elkins and others at the Capitol and various other issues of state and national importance. Thank you, Representative Elkins for your time and the League members who attended!
Our monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month (except for holidays and general election day conflicts) from 6:30-8:00 pm in the McLeod conference room in Bloomington Civic Plaza. Interested in hearing our speaker? Not a League member? Curious about the LWV? Please join us for our upcoming meeting! Visitors are always welcome.
March 4, 2025: League member and law professor Karen Lundquist presented about the federal judiciary, its structure and its importance in our country’s court and legal systems. The slides of the presentation are available here. The presentation is part of the national League of Women Voters project to form a formal organizational position on the federal judiciary.
February 4, 2025: Join the League for the city-wide championship of the Civics Bee, hosted by Mayor Tim Busse. Thetop students from the city’s middle schools will compete for the top spot! The competition and meeting begin at 6:30 in the Council Chambers at Bloomington Civic Plaza.
January 15, 2025: The Bloomington chapter hosted an event to commemorate the important work that election judges do to keep our elections running smoothly and efficiently. The Bloomington City Clerk, Jamy Hanson, gave an interesting presentation with in-depth information about the Bloomington elections and voters. The slides of her presentation can be accessed here.
The Bloomington LWV is active all year. Registering voters, creating and distributing voter information, sponsoring events such as the Civics Bee keep members involved. But our busiest season begins in June as we coordinate candidate videos, conduct candidate forums, and distribute voting guides. Check back to the website and be sure to follow our Facebook page to keep informed!